Web4Africa is an accredited .co.za domain registrar and thus uses a modern technology [known as EPP] to connect to the .co.za registry.
There are two types of .co.za domain transfers:
- Registrar Transfer: This involves transferring your .co.za domain name from another accredited .co.za registrar to Web4Africa.
- Simply order for a domain transfer with Web4Africa by making use of the Domain Name Search form on our website. You need to choose the Transfer option on the form.
- You will receive an email with a subject like “CO.ZA Registry: Domain Transfer Request for .co.za”
- To complete the domain transfer, simply click on the “authorize this request” link in the email. The transfer to Web4Africa will be completed within minutes.
- Legacy transfer: This involves transferring your .co.za domain name from the old email-based system powered by Uniforum, to Web4Africa.
- Simply order for a domain transfer with Web4Africa by making use of the Domain Name Search form on our website. You need to choose the Transfer option on the form.
- You will receive an email with a subject like “COZA-Xfer: TICKET REPLY REQUEST: “***.co.za” on hold for Legacy Transfer”
- You need to reply the email and delete *Deny* from the first line of the message, before sending. That is all you have to do.
- You must reply the message within 48 hours.
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