How to transfer a domain name to Web4Africa

Web4Africa is an accredited domain registrar and thus uses a modern technology [known as EPP] to connect to the registry.

There are two types of domain transfers:

  • Registrar Transfer: This involves transferring your domain name from another accredited registrar to Web4Africa.
    1. Simply order for a domain transfer with Web4Africa by making use of the Domain Name Search form on our website. You need to choose the Transfer option on the form.
    2. You will receive an email with a subject like “CO.ZA Registry: Domain Transfer Request for”
    3. To complete the domain transfer, simply click on the “authorize this request” link in the email. The transfer to Web4Africa will be completed within minutes.
  • Legacy transfer: This involves transferring your domain name from the old email-based system powered by Uniforum, to Web4Africa.
    1. Simply order for a domain transfer with Web4Africa by making use of the Domain Name Search form on our website. You need to choose the Transfer option on the form.
    2. You will receive an email with a subject like “COZA-Xfer: TICKET REPLY REQUEST: “***” on hold for Legacy Transfer”
    3. You need to reply the email and delete *Deny* from the first line of the message, before sending. That is all you have to do.
    4. You must reply the message within 48 hours.

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