Domain Status Codes

There is always a status code when you look up a domain name record in the WHOIS database.

An example of a WHOIS record with Domain Status codes highlighted
An example of a WHOIS record with Domain Status codes highlighted

There are two different types of EPP status codes: client and server codes. Client status codes are set by registrars like Web4Africa. Some registrars automatically enact certain status codes when you register a domain name, while others do so when you request it. Server status codes are set by registries, and they take precedence over client codes. Both kinds of status codes appear when you run a WHOIS lookup for a domain name.

Status Codes that may be set by Web4Africa

You should only contact Web4Africa based on the status below, where the domain name was registered through Web4Africa.

EPP Status CodeMeaning / Action point
clientDeleteProhibitedThis status code tells your domain’s registry to reject requests to delete the domain.

This status indicates that it is not possible to delete the domain name registration, which can prevent unauthorized deletions resulting from hijacking and/or fraud.
clientHoldThis status code tells your domain’s registry to not activate your domain in the DNS and as a consequence, it will not resolve. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes, non-payment, or when your domain is subject to deletion.

Often, this status indicates an issue with your domain that needs resolution. If so, you should contact Web4Africa to resolve the issue.
clientRenewProhibitedThis status code tells your domain’s registry to reject requests to renew your domain. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes or when your domain is subject to deletion.

Often, this status indicates an issue with your domain that needs resolution. If so, you should contact Web4Africa to resolve the issue.
clientTransferProhibitedThis status code tells your domain’s registry to reject requests to transfer the domain from your current registrar to another.

This status indicates that it is not possible to transfer the domain name registration, which will help prevent unauthorized transfers resulting from hijacking and/or fraud. If you do want to transfer your domain, you must first unlock it from our Client Area.
clientUpdateProhibitedThis status code tells your domain’s registry to reject requests to update the domain.

This domain name status indicates that it is not possible to update the domain, which can help prevent unauthorized updates resulting from fraud. If you do want to update your domain, you must first contact Web4Africa.

Status Codes set by Domain Registries and their meanings

EPP Status CodeMeaning / Action point
addPeriodThis is an informative status set for the first several days of your domain’s registration. There is no issue with your domain name.
autoRenewPeriodThis is an informative status set for a limited time after your domain’s auto-renewal by the registry. The domain name can typically be renewed normally during this expired period.
inactiveThis status code indicates that name servers have not been associated with your domain. Your domain is not activated in the DNS and will not work.
okThis is the standard status for a domain, meaning it has no pending operations or prohibitions. You may want to lock your domain name, to prevent unauthorized transfers.
pendingCreateThis status code indicates that a request to create your domain has been received and is being processed.
pendingDeleteThis status code may be mixed with redemptionPeriod or pendingRestore. In such case, depending on the status (i.e. redemptionPeriod or pendingRestore) set in the domain name, the corresponding description presented above applies. If this status is not combined with the redemptionPeriod or pendingRestore status, the pendingDelete status code indicates that your domain has been in redemptionPeriod status for 30 days and you have not restored it within that 30-day period. Your domain will remain in this status for several days, after which time your domain will be purged and dropped from the registry database.
Once deletion occurs, the domain is available for re-registration in accordance with the registry’s policies.

If you want to keep your domain name, you must immediately contact Web4Africa to discuss what options are available.
pendingRenewThis status code indicates that a request to renew your domain has been received and is being processed.
pendingRestoreThis status code indicates that your registrar has asked the registry to restore your domain that was in redemptionPeriod status.
pendingTransferThis status code indicates that a request to transfer your domain to a new registrar has been received and is being processed.

In this status, the domain name cannot be renewed nor updated with Web4Africa – unless the outward transfer is cancelled.

If you did not request to transfer your domain, you should contact Web4Africa immediately.
pendingUpdateThis status code indicates that a request to update your domain has been received and is being processed.
If you did not request to update your domain, you should contact Web4Africa immediately.
redemptionPeriodThis status code indicates that your registrar has asked the registry to delete your domain. Your domain will be held in this status for 30 days. After five calendar days following the end of the redemptionPeriod, your domain is purged from the registry database and becomes available for registration.

If you want to keep your domain, you must immediately contact Web4Africa to resolve whatever issues resulted in the redemptionPeriod status for your domain. This is very likely to be due to the domain going beyond the Renewal state.
renewPeriodThis grace period is provided after a domain name registration period is explicitly extended (renewed) by the registrar.
serverDeleteProhibitedThis status code prevents your domain from being deleted. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes, at your request, or when a redemptionPeriod status is in place.

This status may indicate an issue with your domain that needs resolution. If so, you should contact Web4Africa to request more information and to resolve the issue.

Alternatively, some Registry Operators offer a Registry Lock Service that allows registrants, through their registrars to set this status as an extra protection against unauthorized deletions. Removing this status can take longer than it does for clientDeleteProhibited because your registrar has to forward your request to your domain’s registry and wait for them to lift the restriction.
serverHoldThis status code is set by your domain’s Registry Operator. Your domain is not activated in the DNS.

If you provided name servers, this status may indicate an issue with your domain that needs resolution.
serverRenewProhibitedThis status code indicates your domain’s Registry Operator will not allow your registrar to renew your domain. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes or when your domain is subject to deletion.

Often, this status indicates an issue with your domain that needs to be addressed promptly. You should contact Web4Africa to request more information and resolve the issue.
serverTransferProhibitedThis status code prevents your domain from being transferred from your current registrar to another. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal or other disputes, at your request, or when a redemptionPeriod status is in place.

This status may indicate an issue with your domain that needs to be addressed promptly. You should contact Web4Africa to request more information and resolve the issue.
serverUpdateProhibitedThis status code locks your domain preventing it from being updated. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes, at your request, or when a redemptionPeriod status is in place.

This status may indicate an issue with your domain that needs resolution. If so, you should contact your registrar for more information or to resolve the issue.
transferPeriodThis grace period is provided after the successful transfer of a domain name from one registrar to another.

This is an informative status set for a limited period or your domain’s transfer to a new registrar.

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