.asia domain registration gets easier

.asia is the top-level domain name system for the continent of Asia and the Pacific region. It was introduced in 2007.


As of 2016, over 80% of .ASIA domain registrations (based on registrant contact) came from within Asia, led by China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia.

The requirements for registering .asia domains are changing from 15th July 2017, making it easier to register them from anywhere in the world.

Currently, registrants are required to submit proof of “local presence” in the form of a Personal or Business ID and Asian address, to register a .Asia domain.

The updated Charter Eligibility Requirement Policies will allow for “entities seeking relationship or presence in Asia” to register a .Asia domain without a pre-existing address or ID. This means that the registry will no longer require Asia Pacific locality checks during the .Asia domain registration process.

After July 15th, .Asia domains can be registered like a regular gTLD.

Regardless of your physical location, as long as your website has something, anything to do with Asia, you are eligible to register a .Asia domain.

This means, if you are a Pan-Asia restaurant located in Austin, Texas, you are welcome to register www.gourmet.asia or www.satay.asia without having to provide an Asia based address or ID, and will be able to continue to operate this website without ever having a regional address or business ID.

Web4Africa is an Accredited .ASIA Domain Name Registrar.

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