As a means of curbing fraudulent activities in the .ng namespace as relayed to COVID-19, the .ng registry shared a notification with all registrars.
Some weeks ago, NiRA had been alerted about some people setting up websites with domain names containing the word ‘COVID’ for suspicious activities. Also, as a ccTLD Registry which takes issues bordering on cybersecurity seriously, NiRA will be increasing surveillance around the words “COVID”, “Pandemic” and “Corona” by adding them to NiRA’s restricted string on the Registry. This means that domain names containing any of the above-listed words will be subjected to additional scrutiny and would require Registry approval. This will take effect from Saturday the 16th of May 2020.
Web4Africa is obligated to participate in curbing fraudulent internet activities by ensuring that all attempts to register domain names which purport to carry out COVID-19 related activities have proof of legitimacy and authorization from the appropriate regulatory bodies, especially with reference to Covid-19 drugs/welfare activities.
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