.BID is undoubtedly the TLD of choice for online auctions and market place sites online. An intuitive generic Top Level Domain (TLD) name makes .BID distinguishable from the broad auction-related content found across the Internet, and there are clear benefits to auctioneers, buyers and sellers .BID Top Level Domain (TLD) owners include a spectrum of online auctioneers running various types of auctions from English auctions to penny auctions, across a range of general markets and niche genres, and more traditional auction houses wishing to strengthen their online identity.
This domain extension acts as a magnet to all businesses interested in growing their business on an international level. As a short, clear, and globally understood term for commerce, it is a natural home for start-up businesses, high-growth industries and emergent international trade. By owning a .TRADE name, you are sending a clear message to prospective customers, suppliers, and resellers of the commercial nature of your website.
Personal online broadcasting (webcamming) is more popular now than it has ever been. The Internet allows anyone the opportunity to be a “star” in their own right. Whether you are looking for love online or late night entertainment; whether you are checking out potential vacation spots or the weather at your favourite skiing resort; if you want share your life online or show your latest movie creation. The answer is simple, add .WEBCAM to the end of your domain name and what else could be hosted there than your unique broadcasting talent.
You can register any of these domains with Web4Africa today. Web4Africa is Africa’s largest ICANN Accredited Domain Registrar.
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