Many prospective web hosting customers start the search for a web hosting company from a search engine. It is not uncommon for such people to search for “cheap web hosting”, “cheapest web hosting”, “cheap web hosting company”, “web hosting cheap” etc. While it is not wrong to want to save some money where possible, the question one needs to reflect on is, “is cheap web hosting always the better choice?”

Web hosting companies like other serious businesses always have various financial obligations. Meeting these obligations and still making enough money to declare a profit is a constant balancing act. As such, a web hosting service needs to be priced just right. A serious web hosting company would not under-price for a prolonged period. Whilst occasional promotional offers are reasonable, a prolonged under-pricing can jeopardize the future of the web hosting company.
Then there are micro web hosting firms managed single-handedly by individuals with the motive of shacking-up the web hosting industry. These individuals usually price very low for two reasons:
- to gain attention from prospective web hosting customers and earn a decent market-share.
- to make easy money by attracting a large number of people who are looking for cheap web hosting. These ones see web hosting as a get-rich quick scheme and do not have a long time focus. Their service offering is often-times hyped.
So what price is right for web hosting?
Before deciding to choose a web host, it helps to short-list at least 5 different web hosting firms and then compare all the important factors. Pricing, really, should not be the only determining factor. Closely comparing the full features they offer relative to their respective pricing should be a pointer towards what price is right.
In web hosting, you get what you pay for, most of the times. Cheap web hosting is often times mediocre web hosting. Since cheap web hosting firms under-price their service, they lack the financial muscle to invest in world-class service delivery. The under-paying web hosting customers end-up suffering for it all.
Before you choose your next web host hosting company, remember that cheap is not always best.
What are your charges on webhosting,domain registration and website designing.
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