In other to reduce the instances of spamming, Web4Africa disables PHP mail() function by default, on our Shared Hosting servers. As a result, WordPress admin password reminders would not function where the WordPress installation has not been configured to send email via SMTP.
In this scenario, the following steps are recommended to assist the WordPress admin with resetting the WordPress user password.
WordPress Password Reset via phpMyAdmin
This method is used for editing and updating WordPress admin password by changing wp_users table values.
1. Login to cPanel from your client area or using cPanel login credentials.
2. Select PHPMyAdmin.
3. Click on your WordPress database.
4. Navigate and click the table wp_users.
5. Edit the row with your WordPress username (If you need to update database username)
6. Now, in the user_pass field, change the function to MD5 and enter your new password in the Value section (refer below screenshot).
7. Click “Go” or similar option at the bottom to update the table values.
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